宝谷社区学院's 业务办公室 is committed to providing exceptional 服务于威尼斯人娱乐城的学生,员工,教师和社区合作伙伴. 威尼斯人娱乐城的业务 Office includes the 应付账款, 应收账款 and 人力资源 部门.

  • 应付账款 is responsible for processing purchases including purchase orders, 请购单和供应商付款.  
  • 人力资源 handles all employee management functions including finding, hiring, training, and supporting new employees as well as providing benefits, services and 提高员工生活质量的项目.
  • 应收账款(A/R) is responsible for billing and incoming payments for both 威尼斯人娱乐城的学生和社区合作伙伴. A/R还处理持有、回收和处理 学生的税务文件.


家庭教育权和隐私权法案(FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 是一项保护学生教育记录隐私的联邦法律. 法律 适用于所有接受美国政府资助项目资助的学校.S. 教育部.

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. 的se rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends 高中以上的学校. 

Generally, schools must have written permission from the student in order to release 学生教育记录中的任何信息. (包括账户余额) 

While 威尼斯人娱乐城 understands that many parents may be making the tuition payments, we are not allowed to disclose account 信息 to parents without consent from the student. 学生可以在学生门户网站上填写信息发布表. 这种信息的发布可以根据学生的选择是有限的还是广泛的. 学生 也可以通过他们的邮箱发邀请函付款吗.电视文化中心大楼帐户.

威尼斯人娱乐城's 应付账款 department is committed to serving our community partners. Your understanding and compliance with the procedures below will allow 供应商 invoices 并且报销要及时有效的处理.

给供应商的信息 For prompt payment of your invoices, we request you please submit all invoices to:


或者您可以将发票发邮件至 accountspayable@brandonmchose.comIf you have any additional questions regarding payments from 威尼斯人娱乐城 please contact our AP文员电话:(541)881-5843或 accountspayable@brandonmchose.com 宝谷社区学院要求供应商支付当前的W-9表格. 失败 包括新供应商的W-9将会延迟付款.

检查分布:  Approved invoices, direct pays and travel reimbursements are processed once a week. ACH(直接存款)付款在星期三处理. 基金最多可达3个月 工作日将反映在你的账户上. 如果您需要押金,请核对一下 首先与您的银行机构联系,以确保资金没有被搁置或待处理. 纸 支票每周三处理. 所有支票,包括供应商,员工,还有 独立承建商和顾问,将邮寄地址印上 检查. 强烈建议供应商设置ACH付款. 账户 Payable will not hold checks or allow employees to pick up for distribution to the 供应商.

**If checks must be printed outside the normal processing schedule, the department must provide the AP manager with a written explanation why a manual check is required. **

停止支付/空间/重新发出:  Upon request a check will be cancelled if 检查 is lost or not received within 自支票签发之日起15天. 如果支票中包含 收款人不正确(拼写错误等).)所有宝谷社区支票无效 90天后. 电视文化有限公司不负责任何因尝试套现而产生的费用 90天无效期后的支票.

Our 应收账款 department is responsible for billing and incoming payments 对威尼斯人娱乐城的学生和社区合作伙伴. 威尼斯人娱乐城的学生客户经理来了 帮助学生浏览账单和付款流程. 今天就预约 所以威尼斯人娱乐城可以对你的成功说“是”!


Account Statements are mailed out monthly approximately two weeks prior to payment 本学期的到期日. 威尼斯人娱乐城也会在校园范围内发送电子邮件通知学生 他们的账单被送到了他们的记录地址. 你的陈述是 随时可在My威尼斯人娱乐城学生门户网站下载.

For help understanding your account statement or tuition costs, please visit the links 下图:


      1. 支付现在: 在注册时付款:

        1. 通过您的My威尼斯人娱乐城门户网站付款.
        2. 请致电学生服务(541)881-5815*,以信用卡付款
        3. Pay at either of our locations, in Student Services with check, money order, cash, 或卡.
        4. Mail a check or money order to: 宝谷社区学院, Attn: 账户 应收账款,650学院大道.97914,安大略省

      1. 支付后: 威尼斯人娱乐城 allows students to break up their tuition and fee payments into three convenient 每学期付款(夏季两次). 有两种方式可以利用威尼斯人娱乐城的付款方式 计划.
        1. 通过您的门户注册自动支付.
        2. 手动支付您的付款到期日列在威尼斯人娱乐城的 校历 以下列方式之一:
          1. 请致电学生服务(541)881-5815*,以信用卡付款
          2. Pay at either of our locations, in student services with check, money order, cash, 或卡.
          3. Mail a check or money order to:  宝谷社区学院, Attn: 账户 应收账款,650学院大道.97914,安大略省

*的re is a 3% processing fee for all card transactions Please indicate account name 以及你汇款上的学生证号码. 收据只会按要求发出*                                                  

学生 with past due balances will have a hold placed on their account and are not 除特殊情况外,准许下一学期注册. 过去的 到期余额是由催收机构安排的. 上一学年 charges cannot be paid with current academic 一年 Federal Student Aid due to Title 第四规定. 

如果你有到期未还的余额,还不算太晚!! 请致电威尼斯人娱乐城的学生帐户 经理致电541-881-5810安排付款.

IRS Form 1098-T is provided to eligible 威尼斯人娱乐城 students by January 31 of the previous calendar 一年, as required by the IRS, to provide 信息 that may assist you 填写个人报税表.  IRS 1098-T表上列出的信息 may be different than the amount you actually paid towards Qualified 学费 and Related 费用(以下简称“资历及开支”). 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈建议您寻求专业帮助 申请教育税收抵免时.  不管提供的信息是什么 the 1098-T, if you choose to claim an education tax credit, you should always keep documentation such as invoices and receipt of payment that supports any claimed tax 即使您只报告IRS 1098-T表上的内容.

了解你的IRS 1098-T表格

    • 的 IRS Form 1098-T is an 信息 form filed with the Internal Revenue Service.
    • 的 IRS Form 1098-T that you receive reports amounts paid for QTRE, as well as other 相关信息.
    • You, or the person who may claim you as a dependent, may be able to claim an education tax credit on IRS Form 1040 for the QTRE that were actually paid during the calendar 一年.


      • 箱1: Shows the total payments received by the College during the calendar 一年 from any source for QTRE minus any reimbursements or refunds made during the calendar 一年 这与收到的付款有关.
      • 框2:保留供将来使用.
      • 盒3:保留供将来使用.
      • 4盒: Shows any adjustments made for a prior 一年 for QTRE that were reported on a prior 表格1098-T.  
      • 框5: Shows the total amount of all scholarships/grants disbursed to the student account 在历年期间,不论任期如何.


    • 持有: 应收账款 (A/R) holds will be added twice per term and prevents registration 对于未来的条款. 首次持有在第二个付款到期日之后或之前 to advising day for all accounts for which no payments have been received or financial 发放的援助款项. 对所有有结余的账户进行持有 在期限的最后付款日期之后到期.
    • 因未付款而移除: 宝谷社区学院 will remove students from their registered 类 when the student has not completed financial arrangements on schedule or has an outstanding 上一学期的结余. 虽然有些人可能会认为这是一种不便, it protects students from incurring financial liability if they are not attending 类. 学生可以重新注册课程,如果他们选择一次财务安排 已经完成了. 所有服务将在24小时内恢复,并取消滞留 数小时全额付款. 缴费截止日期请参考校历.
    • 集合: When a student is no longer enrolled: All past due debt may be referred to a collection 机构. 债务人将负责所有托收费用,包括代理费用 费用、律师费和诉讼费,除原债务外. 集合 费用可能会使你的账户余额增加25%. 此外,不付款或违约 对您的帐户判断可能报告给信用局和反映在 您的信用报告.
    • 退税: To collect past due debt 宝谷社区学院 may also request student's 俄勒冈州税务局(DOR)的州退税. 如果是学院 is receiving any payments from a tax refund, written notifications will be sent to 账户持有人.
































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